May 2

May 2 — 5

Հետևյալ նախադասությունները գրեք և՛ ներկա շարունակականով, և՛ անցյալով։

She runs to me.

She ran to me

She is running to me

They come from America.

They are coming from America

They came from America

I ask a question.

I am asking a question.

I asked a question.

We have a shower.

We had a shower

We are having a shower

He eats an apple.

He ate an apple

He is eating an appie

Ընտրեք ճիշտ տարբերակը։

There is too much  water in the bath tub.

How many brothers and sisters has Anne got?

I don’t receive many letters nowadays.

How much rice do you eat per week?

I put too much salt in the soup.

How many people were at the party?

It doesn’t make much sense.

There wasn’t much traffic on the motorway.

My grandfather does not have much hair, anymore.

How many plates do we need?

Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական և ժխտական։

The lunch was on the table.

Was the lunch on the table?

The lunch was not on the table.

He saw the meat-balls

Did he see the meat-balls?

He didn’t see the meat-balls

The two friends ate the meat-balls

Did the two friends eat the meat-balls?

The two friends didn’t eat the meat-balls